Sole Canal

Sole Canal

Enchance your work with accuracy

SOLE Canal is a comprehensive software for Canal to generate cross section, L-section and calculate quantity. It is used on template based approach, therefore user just have to specify the general detail of the canal and the project is competed with ease .User can design the new canal while SOLE Canal taking care of all essential parameters of canal. The quantity of canal also calculated at the time of execution of work or at the designed project. The power full template editor has the entire feature that a canal may have. It includes general information like bed width, full supply depth, free board, dowel, canal bank, service road and custom inner and outer slope and other component like hearting, casing, COT, Concreting, CNS and etc.

Best software to design canal and generate sections & quantity


  • Template based canal software.
  • Generate L-Section, Cross Section and calculate quantity.
  • Provides quantity calculation sheet to verify the obtained quantity.
  • User defined inner and outer slope.
  • User defined drainage system.
  • User can directly mark formation on the L-Section.
  • Full featured CAD Editor with all the drafting tools.
  • Full support for Auto Cad. Auto Cad files ( .dwg) can be opens, edit & saved.
  • Works with any printer & plotter with print preview.
  • Auto Print facility to print number of page with user defines preference at once.